Cool breeze

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Man I Want To Marry

Browsing Kenyan papers online this morning, I came across the man of my dreams: Marathon winner wants to be large-scale farmer in The Standard. (it's not the money that makes him attractive, it's the mindset... honest!)

Hosea Kiprotich Rotich now wants to buy land with the Sh1.75 million he won during the Standard Chartered Marathon. "I have made up my mind to buy land with the prize money," he said. Rotich, a forest ranger at Aberdares Game Reserve, said when he finished first on Sunday, he was too excited and confused to comment on his future plans.

Asked whether he would quit his job as a forest ranger, Rotich said: "Oh, no! Wise people do not forget where they came from. This is where I started and I intend to continue with my job," he said. {this is where my knees started melting... such wisdom... I wonder if he's married?}

He said his life would not change despite the fact that he was venturing into farming. "I am not thinking about buying flashy cars and spoiling myself. This is a chance to build my life which has been on the rocks," he said. {What? No bling? Chance to build his life? This is definitely the man for me!}

At the moment, he said, he is looking forward to big time marathons like the New York and the Boston. Married with a daughter, he said he started training in 2003 and has never won any major race.
Dagnabit! There goes my fantasy... Well, hope he really will build his life and not fall prey to the whole 'once your pocket gets heavy it means you add another woman to your harem' syndrome. All the best Bwana Rotich. And watch out for those thugs... they read the papers too.}

Aah, our education system... "I am a class seven dropout and cannot read or write." When (according to Kenyan education system) are you supposed to learn how to read and write again?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Early to rise... therein lies the secret to effectiveness

Was up at 4am yesterday to give a couple of friends a ride to a road race about 15km out of town. It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you get up that early. Picked them up, took them to the race, at 6.30am the race started, they ran (I.. ahem... had... paper... work to do so... i couldn't .... join them...), got to finish line, socialized with other runners, and then I dropped them back home... all before 11am.

The run was sponsored by sportsman warehouse and they blew me away: first of all, their store was open at 6.30am! (unheard of around here) and second of all, they made breakfast (sausage, bacon, eggs, buttered buns... and coke) for all their employees 'cause they had to come to work that early! Last of all, their goodie bags really were full of goodies (at least for me).... I got one 'cause I pleaded "unsung supporter of runners" to those handing them out (made sure I did this waaay after all the runners were done... it would be criminal for someone running to miss out on the goodies just 'cause sedentary-me had taken them).

Now to the part where I brush my shoulders off (as a Kenyan/East African): First man in, a Kenyan. First woman in, an Ethiopian. Prize money? Not a bad take for a day's work. 3 Kenyan guys ran it and they were all top 10. The last placed among them said he'd only been training 2 weeks... after a year off.

The breakfast barbecque and frying pan being set up as runners assemble.

The remains of breakfast.

Police being briefed by their chief on how to escort the runners.

Driving home after the race.

English.... this foreign language

Just came back from interacting with a travel agent. In the past, whenever I've dealt with travel agents, they have always read the itinerary back to me (or printed it out for my perusal) before taking that final step of issuing the ticket.

I made a tentative booking early last week, emailed a query about the chances of getting to travel on another date later on in the week, but never once said "issue me the ticket with the queried date". Travel agent takes dates from my query and puts them as actual travel dates, and since the pay order has come through from work, goes ahead and issues the ticket without confirming with me! Then she wants me to pay to change it back to the original dates.

It took some doing (staring each other down, her trying to make it seem impossible to undo, me sticking to my guns), but we were finally able to agree (with the help of her boss) that she change it back to the original (non-query) dates. I didn't feel too good about going toe-to-toe with her, but the thought of parting with money to fix something I had not ok'd was just as uncomfortable. May still cough up money to change dates later, but that'll be because I choose to change, not because of miscommunication. This english language... and assumptions... (sigh).

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Change is gon' come... are you ready?

  • Life after CNN. Would you try to fit in, create your next step, or walk away from it all?
  • Aww, ain't love grand?! Out of thin air/peep hole comes something beautiful :-)
  • That's why traffic was so lite yesterday. Why I should pay more attention to 'special days'.
  • Random sparks... prelude to the conflagration? One word... imminent. [doom and gloom? me?]

Friday, October 20, 2006

Log in the eye

She says it beautifully! Africans and victimhood
It goes out to all those who are happy to recount the successes of other nations and know of none in their own (and there are many of us).

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Team human

Saturday, October 14, 2006

L'amour... belle ou bête?

May she rest in peace and may her family be comforted.

Biodiversity bites the dust once more.

It’s about time! but the very same potential beneficiaries will protest against this measure (as usual).

Possession, 9/10ths of the law… but will she give it all back?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hoist by my own petard (4 of 4)

I’m talking to a woman at work… doing a really terrible job trying to justify why I haven’t bothered to learn a local language (simple answer? Shuffles feet, looks anywhere but straight into your eyes… a colonized mind… currently going through acceptance stage and seeing hope in the distant future…) and explaining that there are many words in isiZulu that are similar to Kiswahili… e.g. inywele – nywele; nyama – nyama; the grammatical construction is similar: sebenza – work/use, sebenzisha (condom) – make use/work (condom), haisebenzi – it’s not working, mina – mimi, wena - wewe. In the course of the conversation she mentions her youngest daughter, 2nd year in college, is so dark skinned that the older siblings have counseled her to keep her ID book on her at all times. Why? So that when the police catch up with her, she doesn’t get deported as an illegal immigrant…wealth of melanin is something that’s used to determine whether you’re from SA or from ‘the north’.

A philosopher friend says that we in Africa won’t develop economically this generation, because we are still obsessed with race. Look at any speech by Mbeki, he says, it concerns race, always emphasizing that we Africans are human too. Compare this to the Asian Tigers… they’re economically focused, they have moved beyond racism… [yes, but did they really ever deal with the issues this continent has dealt with? The level of racism, exploitation, division?] Perhaps our children… will not have to fight this war, perhaps they can focus on economic development, and not on establishing that they are human too? Not sure about that… a friend from Zim, moved here several years ago, had her tween kids in a private school in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg… they asked their mom to send them to boarding school in Zim… they need a break, they’re tired of constantly asserting that they’re human too… she obliges ‘cause “if the kids ask for it themselves, why would I deny them the opportunity to live in a more nurturing environment?” Following philosopher friend’s assertion, prospects for economic development and race-free thinking in the next generation have also been tainted.

Then I join a friend for dinner at his colleague’s house… a bunch of ngo-ers from the developed world… good times? The weather forecast has said it’ll rain, but the host is taking bets that it won’t. The sky is cloudy, we’re sitting outside in the garden. While dining we hear the distant rumble of thunder and see a few flashes of lightening, but we remain outside. After dinner we hear a distant roar and it is definitely getting closer… everyone’s relaxed and I’m the only one concerned about getting rained on (black women... our hair...). I ask if we have an ‘emergency action plan’ to hottail it indoors once the rain starts to pour (as promised by that roar). No one’s budging… it gets close enough that I pick up cushions from a couple of chairs and dash indoors, moments before the promised deluge sends everyone else scampering for cover… once indoors, one of the ladies says “that was great instinct… you felt it… just like an animal”… and she repeats that statement… for good measure, just in case we didn’t hear it the first time. I fall out laughing! Clearly I have succeeded in driving myself completely insane… I now suspect racism in everything.

But it’s not all doom and gloom… there are happy days. I discover the fresh produce market and make early morning visits during which I buy traditional fare for breakfast: matumbo, pap (ugali), magwinya (aka ‘fatcakes’ deep-fried kinda-mandazis that aren’t swollen, but the dough has been lovingly massaged by hands ... you have no idea what was being touched before the magwinya frying begun) [I onced asked for magwinya in the afternoon, and the lady I asked said you should never eat them after 11am… you’ll end up getting fat! ‘cause you won’t have enough time in the day to burn off those calories... I learnt the hard way], beetroot, chakalaka, and some gravy.

My go-to-guy at the market? A South African man of Lebanese origin who wants me as his 2nd wife. I discover the joys of commercial agriculture: watermelon that is consistently sweet, from the first to the last one of the season... different varieties of mangoes (but none as "orgasmic" as ripe apple mangoes from back home), and all the grapes I can eat, for a very low price (when in season). Seedless everything (tangerines, pawpaws of the red-fleshed variety, grapes, watermelon) makes life (during the right season) a pleasure-filled wonderland. He doesn’t have grapes when I want them, so he sends me to another agent about 3 ‘stands’ away from his, says to look for “the short, fat gorgeous guy”. I find an Italian man who answers to that description and I get my grapes. There’s a time I accidentally tear up a receipt (for fruits I’ve just purchased) and get stopped at the exit. Leb comes over and explains that I was blinded by his proposition… a couple of years on, the receipt checkers still grin real big whenever I present myself and purchases to them at the exit. Here at the market, instead of psst, psst hisses from men carrying sacks on their backs, there is the toot toot of cranes moving pallets back and forth… and plenty of workers doing this work. The racial make up? Traders mostly Afrikaners and Indians, the laborers are black… I even catch some Kiswahili being spoke, turn back and greet the group before moving on.

There is a growing number of black traders though… and one of them challenges me about why I’m buying from my friend Leb and not from him… time to put my money where my mouth is… right? But Leb and I have a connection, banter, a relationship … [not to mention that Leb has silver temples]… hoist by my own petard, I fear… sometimes my rhetoric (economically support “your community”) catches up with me and bites me in the behind... showing me that it really isn’t all that cut and dried… sometimes. On days when Leb isn’t there, it’s a little less pleasant… I encounter a broad spectrum of traders… some who barely care that I want to buy their produce… I’ve walked away (after lecturing passionately) from an Afrikaner who said I shouldn’t touch his produce, buy as is! and me who likes to feel up my food before I buy it… it was more in the way he said it than in what he said.

Others aren’t concerned about things like petty pride, they focus on their goals: make a profit, therefore buy at a low price regardless of how the seller treats you. Ah what can I do… I want affordable food, I have to keep putting up with potential situations like those… if I was truly dedicated though, sure I’d find farmers who could use my support… things to ponder… then act upon.

Hypersensitive (3 of 4)

When I say “one’s people”, I mean it generally. Yes, I have no relatives of southern African descent (that I know of), but it still hurts me when I hear of what southern Africans have been through. I think what personalizes it for me is the simple fact that, at face value, all these crimes were perpetrated against them due to their melanin-wealth. And that if I had been here at that time, I would have had the exact same thing happen to me. It wouldn’t have mattered what I could do… as long as my skin was rich in melanin, I would have been relegated to a certain status and lifestyle.

It must come from a very primal place, this identifying with other melanin-rich people, because I honestly cannot explain it logically. And to all those who would wish to fault my feelings ‘cause I can’t find logic to fit them, I’d like to remind you that humans are still very much the animal. Just because we rose onto our hind legs, came up with more options of doing it (than just doggy style), and claim to have higher cerebral functions… doesn’t mean we are removed at all from our animal instinct. I remember something from bio class… how do ants know what path to follow, what message is sent so that they crowd around a few crystals of sugar in a matter of minutes? The answer involves scent… those scouting ants emit a certain scent and others recognize it as one of their own. Later on, in a bus full of white students… I start to believe that there really is a racial signature-scent (now I think it has to do with your diet). I latch onto this notion and go to town on deos… don’t they smell more like white people than like me? What about elastoplast … why does it have to be that color? As a result, when I can, I buy the ones with sparkles and cartoon figures… remnant of my waxed and waned negritude .

At some point I decide that a despotic ruler (mobutu and idi included) is better than a racist ruler. Ridiculous, I know. From the same stable as “are people in Kenyan slums more or less poor than those in South African informal settlements?” But in my mind it makes sense (former, not the latter)… it irks me that something as obvious as my skin (as opposed to more intangible things like my ethnicity or religious affiliation) is used to single me out for punishment… it just suggests an intellectual laziness, a very broad brush that can only be borne of an inferiority complex, or “issues” as we call them in modern-day speak. I read dr. francis cress welsing’s ‘isis papers’ and she articulately gives voice to many questions and thoughts I have around this.

But wait… what if the broad brush were to recognize my individual “worthiness”? What if I was hailed as intelligent, learned, worthy to stand among “them”? Would my reading of the situation change at all? Not really, because, as I’ve already pointed out, there’s a primal instinct to identify with “my kind”. I encounter work that describes the state of black South Africans who find themselves at a game lodge (and by extension, all Africans on this continent… after all, when we go coast, or do Lewa or the Mara, aren’t we faced with these ambiguities and discomforts?):

Game lodges invariably reference colonial trappings in their design and décor, creating an experience for most tourists that evokes the great white hunter days of Hemingway, Roosevelt and the film, ‘White Mischief’. They are fantasies of imperial pasts made possible by an extremely high level of service provided by, inevitably, black staff, and the protected, pristine environment made possible by a colonial history of land grabbing. Side by side with traditional Zulu dancers or Ndebele artists, it is hard to imagine what black South Africans experience in such tourist zones. Ndebele describes the experience of the black tourist at a game lodge thus:

“Being there, they experience the most damning ambiguities. They see the faceless black workers and instinctively see a reflection of themselves. They may be wealthy or politically powerful, but at that moment they are made aware of their special kind of powerlessness: they lack the backing of cultural power. They experience cultural domination in a most intimate way. Especially when they go game viewing. It is difficult not to feel that, in the total scheme of things, perhaps they should be out there with the animals, being viewed” (Ndebele, 1998).

...[we] cannot be successful in attracting overseas tourists to their fantasy of a colonial luxury and environmental emptiness while purporting to attract the people whose lives had to be erased in order to create the fantasy.

So no, being accepted into the fold as an exceptional African does not cut it. It does not assuage my discomfort… but that’s what I am here… a ‘comfortable’ black, unburdened by the particular historic baggage that plagues this country. But that’s only part of it, because on the other hand, I’ve been taught that I should be submissive in order to ‘get there’, to ‘get mine’, not rock the boat because ‘you’re getting good money/experience/status’, ‘this country contributes 50% of Africa’s GDP, so just by virtue of being here, you can get a piece of that action’.

So how do I stop myself from taking this history personal?

In many ways I suppose it’s great that Kenya didn’t have a truth and reconciliation commission, that we don’t have a museum that shows us what atrocities were committed against us by outsiders and insiders… Can you imagine the level of angst that we’d have to deal with… on top of the daily casual injustices? Maybe that’s why we can afford to morph into those ‘exceptional’ Africans who want to ‘just all get along’ … because we forget, or never even knew, what ailed our parents and their parents before them, we can’t identify the wounds that have been inflicted upon us by history… we imagine that by putting our best foot forward, by “assuming” the problems, the subtle racism, the calls to “get over it”, we’ll get to the promised land. Yes I have that Oprah (and many other civil rights movement) quote that “excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism”, even so, (most of) those civil rights movement folk stayed focused on the lessons of history, never hesitating to invoke them.

I find I cannot stop myself from taking it personal… the treatment of “my people”… history makes me Mulder to your Scully… trusting no one, but always wanting to believe! that goodness is out there, and sometimes, wondering where the heck Scotty is, 'cause I’m tired of this too much thinking. Better to just suck it up, be a woman! and return to unconscious living. Until the next episode that crosses my threshold levels for racist and assimilado manure.

So back to “my people”: things that touch raw nerves still: slavery (of course)… the fact that our bones are lining the floor of the atlantic and indian oceans, the Tuskegee experiment, and myriad others… not to mention so called donors and technical assistants, the mis and undereducation of black South Africans, the unrepentant-ness of white (south) Africans… haven’t you heard archbishop tutu say that he feels white south Africans do not appreciate the degree to which blacks have pinched themselves in order to make them comfortable? At work, in all walks of life, the blacks always seem inarticulate, passive… but they’re not. They’re essentially presenting the “black mask”, impassivity… you feel you’re right? Fine! You’ll get no input from me, so let’s see how long you can continue your soliloquy. So everyone speaks for them (yours truly included)… but they’re the only ones who know what’s truly going on. Why else would HIV/AIDS continue to spread?

How does one not take history personal? How do I look at the world through rose-tinted glasses, instead of scowling at every white person I encounter, especially one whose behavior I may construe, for whatever reason, as implying that I’m inferior, when I am at the very least, an equal. Ahaaa…of course! I must make a point of de-learning history. Stick with the party line: “we were and had nothing in the past and it’s a good thing the missionaries came to Africa, out of the goodness of their hearts, to spread the good news and civilize us”. For if I go on learning about what was done to “my people”, the ignominy we have and continue to suffer, how long will I last? Won’t I go mad? So, in the interest of sanity, of being able to go through the day without “thinking too much”, or “asking too many questions”, I choose to stop learning any more about this country’s past. It just hurts too much. As soon as any history tries to cross the barrier, it’s rejected outright… Do I get less bitter? Sadly, no. Because I have already drunk from the well… but I do manage to coax my mind into swallowing and moving on, turning the other cheek, or a blind eye. How else does one live in a society where the racial fight is ongoing every second? Perhaps if I didn’t take it so personal… if I became a peace-lover, invited everyone in for a group hug… perhaps then, I’d understand that we can all get along.

It is in this spirit of seeking the group hug that I accept a dinner invitation from a white friend. At dinner, there are only two melanin-rich people in a group of ten, and we have great conversation about life in general, what we’re going through… just straight up, human conversation about people within our age group… later as the group gets smaller, the conversation wanders to ear plugs. Someone complains about noise in their neighborhood (telling about the age group, isn’t it?) and this woman gives her the solution in one word: earplugs. She then relates how ear plugs rescued her… this Ugandan doctor moves into her neighborhood, a month later he has a house-warming party. She’s not feeling well, so goes to sleep at about 6pm, woken up by the noise at 9pm, pops in the earplugs, gets really sound sleep. Apparently the rest of the neighborhood is up in arms the following day, writing him threatening letters… there were cars everywhere, and she says she woke up at 9pm ‘cause the music was unfamiliar, “something from a darker part of the continent”…. How does one from a country that neighbors said part of the continent take such a comment? Agh! I’m being too sensitive.

How about when discussing something at work and a white colleague says “there’s a cultural difference you see, between whites and blacks… I switch on a stove to cook… some of these people have never done that”… and here you are in all your black glory, knowing that it is nothing but the height of disrespect for someone to tell you this about “your people” to your face, while acting like “you’re not like them, you’re much better than they are, in fact, you’re just about one of us”… and you feel the weight of your assimilado mantle… but you cannot strike back because the reins of your African upbringing hold you back … never talk back to an elder/senior, never cause discord where you can walk away, why do you want to be known as a trouble-maker?… Or is it the fear of upsetting white people that was very quietly ingrained in you from day one? Perhaps there was a voice that whispered, earlier in your life: “black Africans should be very, very careful not to exclude people that are actively and diligently working to help solve the many problems facing people in Africa” and it renders you unable to speak up for “your people”… and by extension, unable to speak up for yourself. In any case, what can I say in response to such a comment? Yes it’s true that there may be people who have never switched on a stove to cook, but what does that have to do with the price of miraa in Mogadishu? And how dare you label it culture?

So there it goes… little by little… whatever humanity I thought I possessed, whatever self-esteem, confidence, pride, beauty, intelligence… slowly and subtly eroded by seemingly innocuous statements that are designed to knock around in my brain for a while… or perhaps I’m just being paranoid and looking for an excuse to explain away my lack of performance, self-esteem, confidence…etc.? But can it be paranoia if we all feel it? Of course not silly. If we all felt it, it would be ‘mass hysteria’… and I do believe many unfortunate too-much-thinkers, history buffs, and too-much-questioners are firmly in its grip, this mass hysteria. Count yourself fortunate not to belong to these ranks.