Change is gon' come... are you ready?
- Life after CNN. Would you try to fit in, create your next step, or walk away from it all?
- Aww, ain't love grand?! Out of thin air/peep hole comes something beautiful :-)
- That's why traffic was so lite yesterday. Why I should pay more attention to 'special days'.
- Random sparks... prelude to the conflagration? One word... imminent. [doom and gloom? me?]
Public transport rocks! In the sense that it eliminates the hassles of owning a car. That's why I am happy I can take the bus to work.
That road rage thing is crazy. Just yesterday I heard of this guy who pulled out a cross-bow and shot at a car that had "offended" him, shattering the rear windscreen. Dude with shot window called the cops while following the perpetrator until they got to a mall where the cops apprehended the shooter. Another case invovled a man pulling out a gun and shooting at others on the highway that cut him off. Yet another one that happened a few years ago involved a man who was cut off by this car. He started chasing them, bumping into them from behind. Lucky a state trooper was at hand, and seeing this, pulled both cars over. Unfortunate truck man had his house firebombed by friends of the punks that cut him off. Road rage galore!
egm, At
Sat Oct 21, 04:30:00 PM
Hi egm. Yes, public transport rocks when it exists and is well thought-out. Around here I just can't let go of my money-chowing pollution machine...
My earliest memories of road rage were as a kid, driving to school in buru, in a jam (yes, even in those days) one guy cut another one off, and the 'victim' stepped out his car and punched the living daylights out of the perpetrator. There's just something about being behind the wheel and being queen/king of the world... you feel that folk are disrespecting your 'position' when they don't behave as you would like them to.
Rista, At
Mon Oct 23, 09:16:00 PM
@toiyoi, uuummmmm... ok.
Rista, At
Tue Oct 31, 06:02:00 AM
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