Cool breeze

Friday, July 13, 2007


I'm cruising blogs (my brain has refused to 'work' for the past couple of days) during work hours, when I come across Aco's post on several things, among them, Hot Ghetto Mess.

Now, I must mention that I finally watched Spike Lee's Bamboozled last night. I couldn't make it thru the whole movie. It had less to do with Mr. Lee's movie-making prowess, and more to do with the content. It was just unbearable and I fast-forwarded through a whole lot of sections.

What was unbearable? That black people actually dressed up like that, danced like that, spoke that dialogue. That there exists such a large number of ... (I know they have a name but it escapes me right now)... curios? depicting black people in those stereo-typical roles of aunt jemima, uncle tom, the 'jolly nigger bank', etc. Let's not even get into the 'art' depicting the african as a savage. I think if a movie were made about that, enough of us would decide we were done turning all our cheeks, and would rise up and...???

So I haven't fully-recovered from the images and the messages of the movie, when I click on links and see a blackface cartoon. I honestly thought I was seeing things. Then I read further and discover BET even had Uncut. Now, I saw that Ludacris video, and would agree with the description that it was "like a car accident you can't look away from".

Isn't it incredible how life imitates art (that has immitated life)?

Honestly, this is too much!


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