English.... this foreign language
Just came back from interacting with a travel agent. In the past, whenever I've dealt with travel agents, they have always read the itinerary back to me (or printed it out for my perusal) before taking that final step of issuing the ticket.
I made a tentative booking early last week, emailed a query about the chances of getting to travel on another date later on in the week, but never once said "issue me the ticket with the queried date". Travel agent takes dates from my query and puts them as actual travel dates, and since the pay order has come through from work, goes ahead and issues the ticket without confirming with me! Then she wants me to pay to change it back to the original dates.
It took some doing (staring each other down, her trying to make it seem impossible to undo, me sticking to my guns), but we were finally able to agree (with the help of her boss) that she change it back to the original (non-query) dates. I didn't feel too good about going toe-to-toe with her, but the thought of parting with money to fix something I had not ok'd was just as uncomfortable. May still cough up money to change dates later, but that'll be because I choose to change, not because of miscommunication. This english language... and assumptions... (sigh).
I guess that's why legal contracts are so dry, covering every possible meaning a word could have to avoid claims afterwards. Does a language exist where each word and phrase means one thing and one thing alone?
egm, At
Mon Oct 30, 06:28:00 PM
Hi egm. I hear you about the legal contracts. I just KNOW lots of strife would be avoided if we would just check back that what we understood is what the other understood. Easier said...
I think a language does exist, but mostly it's cultural context. E.g. if someone used certain words in a certain situation in my language, I'd know exactly what they were implying, even if they hadn't said it out loud. But wait! there go my assumptions again :(
Rista, At
Mon Oct 30, 06:41:00 PM
I guess it comes down to, communication is more than just the words in and of themselves. Context, tone, pitch, etc all have a play. This just inspired a post cause I don't want to blog on your blog!
egm, At
Mon Oct 30, 06:47:00 PM
someone once said to me, "i know you think you understand what you think i said but i don't think that you realise that what you heard is not what i meant." i just gaped at him and said "PASS".can't even decipher the meaning now. i always get lost in the mid sentence. this language came by sea. how it reached the shores of lake victoria is a mystery.
bomseh, At
Tue Oct 31, 03:40:00 AM
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