Theory vs. (not a threat but a) promise
Donning my “learned” hat, I remark: you know can always go for a paternity test to make sure… and he says he’s afraid of being taken to prison (as a deadbeat dad) so he just accepted it. I’m busy going on and on about the theoretical “but you can’t be jailed without proof” and he says “yes, the (baby momma's) mother promised me…. She promised me 4 times that she would send me to jail if I didn’t pay support for the child, so I agreed”.
I try hard but can’t stop the guffaw of laughter. The way he put it, I was waiting to hear of the good thing he’d been promised.
That’s the one thing I respect about South African men though, they are happy to accept their paternal responsibility. They may never marry the baby momma(s), but they will always have a place in their lives for the fruit of their loins.
I don't know about willingness to pay child support if there is the possibility of jail time.Even though the child support system has really been abused huku stato if Kenya could track down people and their cash it could come in handy as there are many single mums in Kenya who are suffering.
Anonymous, At
Tue Jun 20, 01:14:00 AM
How much do they actually get in child support . a few women have sued in kenya getting crazy amounts remember that adopt a light woman and the amazon motors zaks
Anonymous, At
Mon Jul 03, 05:16:00 PM
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