Menstruation? Optional
Yet another instance of humans being used as guinea pigs. It's pitched to appear logical and palatable. Yet another manifestation of that feminism backlash, where women actively contribute to their objectification as sex toys. Curiouser and curiouser....
The opening line of the Yahoo News article you linked to describes menstruation as a curse...I knew from them on the story was just going to get worse.
Why a curse?
Anonymous, At
Mon May 22, 06:27:00 PM
I think it's brilliant that contraceptive drugs can be used to stop menstruation. Why a curse? Really, who enjoys dealing with mood swings, strange craving, cramps, and general discomfort every month? It interferes with everything from work and school, to personal life. Many women become anemic too. Yet, we learn to live with it. But having to option to stop it is great, and some choose to do it. Why not?
Girl next door, At
Tue May 23, 12:25:00 AM
Thank you both for your comments.
I'm with you: periods are not a curse, they're yet another mysterious layer of being female.
I think the funk associated with periods can be dealt with in ways that are friendlier ( than nixing them altogether.
Why not indeed... The price women will pay/are paying for messing with this particularly delicate hormonal cycle is too high and many of those "opting" to go the 'no period' route naively believe the hype, just as the women in the 60s did with the pill back then and the IUDs, and just as women did more recently with Norplant, and with Depo. I plan to blog on birthcontrol at some point, 'cause there nothing more fascinating than the battle for and against gene propagation.
Rista, At
Tue May 23, 06:24:00 AM
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